GRENA GRID-Site (GE-01-GRENA) is included in European GRID infrastructure and providing following core services:

  1. CREAM-CE (Computing Element)
  2. SRM (Storage Element)
  3. WMS (Workload Management System)
  4. MyProxy (Authentication Proxy)
  5. L&B (Logging and Bookkeeping)
  6. VOMS (Virtual Organisation Membership System)
  7. Site-BDII (Grid-Site Information System)
  8. Top-BDII (National GRID Organization Information System)
  9. APEL (Accounting System)
  10. ngi.SAM (Monitoring System)
  11. UI (User interface)

Computational resources of GE-01-GRENA site are: 
64 CPU Cores, 64 GB RAM, 8TB Storage space.

More information about GRID computing can be found in attached file.